Trophy and Award Winner Documentation
Many awards in piping and highland dancing have continued for decades and are historically of interest, especially to members of the Scottish communities. This documentation, including photographs and commentary from the winners, is invaluable and ongoing.
Vortex Street Music documents and helps handle the following awards:
Campbell J. Naismith Amateur Pibroch Award
San Diego Highland Games Margo Naismith Award
C. Stewart Smith Memorial Award
Additionally, Vortex Street Music documents its philanthropic efforts in donation to various Highland Games.

Joseph MacDonald's - A Complete Theory of the Scots Highland Bagpipe
Vortex Street Music is proud to announce the debut of Joseph MacDonald's A Complete Theory of the Scots Highland Bagpipe transcribed into a modern layout with both the text and music typeset reworked electronically into a more accessible format.
Joseph MacDonald created a collection of piobaireachd and of Gaelic airs at the age of twenty-three which would eventually be published posthumously with the Gaelic Airs in 1784 and the Theory in 1803. This work includes some of the earliest analysis of the structure of bagpipe musical tradition that anyone had ever attempted. For further detailed information and to read the work itself please click on the this link to view or download the .pdf of the collection.
The original manuscript that was transcribed from can be found here.
A Salute to Mary Isdale MacNab; Her Collection of Scottish Highland Dances by Marilyn E. Bonner
A Salute to Mary Isdale MacNab: Her Collection of Scottish Highland Dances by Marilyn E. Bonner (Pinkie Sutorius), in collaboration with Campbell Naismith, is proudly presented by Vortex Street Music.
A Salute to Mary Isdale MacNab is a collection of dances with any accompanying historical narrative illustrated by photos. The books has three primary audiences that include the Isdale, Sutorius, and Bonner extended families; dancers and teachers of Highland dance; and individuals interested in the history of Scottish culture. The narrative has been constructed as a compendium of voices including those of Mary Isdale, Beth Sutorius, Hugh Thurston, Tom Flett, and within the living memory of Marilyn Bonner and Campbell Naismith.
The publication is available for purchase at the rice of $30.00 USD.

Highland Dance, Highland Music
Campbell Naismith is exploring the rhythmic relationships between the movement in solo Highland dances and the musical phrasing of Strathspeys, reels, jigs, and hornpipes used to accompany those dancers.